Friday, August 16, 2013

How Much Does Reliv Cost?

How Much Does Reliv Cost?

reliv costI really love this question and the reason why is because it is the wrong question to be asking.
The real question is what is your health worth to you? How much does it cost you to be sick or your children to be sick?
We are in a place where we rely on prescription drugs and over the counter meds to help us feel better. But they do little more than to mask the real problem.
What is the real problem. We lack is a strong immune system. If you do some research you will find that almost all diseases, colds, and such are autoimmune problems. It means your immune system is crashing and you are giving way for infection, disease, and more to invade your body and reside there. You are actually allowing yourself to get sick. Did you know that stress can weaken your immune system also?
If we were to go on the very low level of the cost of being sick it would look like this:
Missed Work: $7.25 (minimum wage) $58 before taxes
Cold medicine: $25 – figure you are getting at least 2 of something, one for day, one for night and maybe some tissues.
Doctor vistit: $30 co-pay or more if you don’t have insurance
Stress on Family: ???
Just right there… you have lost over $100 in just one day of being sick. What happens if you are out of more than one day? Weeks or even months?

What Does Reliv Cost?

What is your health worth to you? How much are you willing to spend a day to be healthy?
Is $2 too much? How about $3?
What do you pay for a cup of coffee or even a soda?
At what point are you going to look at the benefits of being healthy and see the value there?
reliv costAre you a mom? What happens tomorrow if you get sick? Who is there to help take care of the kids? Who is there to help manage the house? Does it add more stress to your life to be sick? If you are a single mom, who is going to go to work on your behalf? Who is going to put food on the table and pay the bills?
It gets really expensive to get sick. I don’t know what your financial number is but isn’t your health worth it? When are you going to start taking care of yourself?
As a single person, it gets expensive, if I don’t go to work, I don’t get paid. If something serious happens I don’t think I could afford the hospital bills. Even with insurance it doesn’t cover all the medical cost.
I would rather pay a couple of bucks a month to stay healthy, then risk the cost of getting sick.
But seriously… if you are bent on knowing the cost of a Reliv product by all means contact me at and ask. I have no problem telling you.
The reason I don’t post it here is because I may or may not get back to this blog post if they change a price or product. So I don’t want to mislead you are give you false information. Just me, being totally honest with you.
Yours in Gratitude,
Chef Katrina
Independent Reliv Distributor
As with any nutritional company Reliv does not claim to cure, treat, or prevent any disease or illness.

How Much Does Reliv Cost?

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